
Zwei Leben ( Two Lives )

Animation, 15min 35mm

„Zwei Leben (Two Lives)“computeraided animimated Shortfilm about the story of a businessman, who decides to jump off a high-rise building. There he chances to meet a tramp, who wants to dispose him of his last clothes first. Story based on motives from Ken Campbell. Supported by Nordmedia GmbH.

  • Role

    Conception, Script, Production, Director, Light, Camera, Cut, Postproduction, Sound, Trailer Music

  • Story

    A ”weary-of-life” businessman decides to jump off a high-rise building.
    Poised on the balustrade, just one step from death, a homeless tramp living on the roof tries repeatedly to prevent him from jumping. Slowly but surely, the tramp talks him in to leaving his clothes and money behind. In the final event the businessman is standing on the balustrade with his farewell letter in his underwear. When he realises that he’s no longer able to commit suicide, and demands the return of his possessions, an argument ensues, which eventually culminates in a fight..


  • Stills

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  • Technique

    After the preparation of the screenplay, some basic considerations and the organisation of the production folled a phase of first scetches and style tests to optimize the procedure of the following work. After some tests, the whole material was shot with a video-camera in a small foto studio within two days. The production of the basic material was followed the animation phase, which lasted for month. In this phase, the figures where digitaly re-painted and the compositing of the final images was made. A decisive role in this process was played by the software „Studio Artist“ written by John Dalton, who was a great help for me.

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Date: April 06, 2004